How aging affects hormones
Hormones are chemical signals that travel through the bloodstream, and each hormone controls many processes in our body. Not only that, each hormone is affected by the number of other hormones available, and a decrease in the level of one hormone results in a cascade. Reactions that end in an imbalance of all. For this reason, we must know and supplement all the hormones affected. read more https://steroidscanada.ca
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a sex steroid hormone (derived from cholesterol, like other sex hormones). It is known as the male hormone because its production is stimulated by the pituitary and released in large quantities in the testes and ovaries. Although the levels found in men are ten times higher than in women, it is equally important in both sexes.
Unfortunately, testosterone has been the subject of controversy in the media. Its use is fast, reminding us of its use in sports as part of doping and the emergence of unwanted effects. At Clinicas Doctor Life, we ​​defend its use only in patients with hypogonadism, that is, with deficient testosterone levels. These low levels can be caused by primary hypogonadism (the pituitary does not produce the luteinizing hormone, and therefore testosterone is not released) or secondary (the testicles are unable to release testosterone). It is another case where we can see the importance of keeping all of the hormone levels correct because, as we can see, one hormone controls the other. The tests show us what type of hypogonadism if any, the patient has and allows us to correct it.
Testosterone is safe and with surprising effects: it lowers inflammation (associated with heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases), improves sexual health, enhances brain power, corrects erectile dysfunction caused by hypogonadism, and improves the quality of life.
What is hormone therapy?
Hormone therapy or hormone rejuvenation consists in restoring optimal testosterone levels instead of normal ones. What does this mean? Reference data are statistics only and do not represent optimal values ​​for every patient, and it is essential to understand this. In the same way, someone is quickly activated by coffee. Others can drink it several times in a row without feeling any effect. It is because we are different and respond differently to the same stimuli. In the same way, when a person begins to feel tired, without the energy to deal with it day after day, they lose their libido and sexual desire, experience sudden mood swings, lose physical capacity, accumulate fat, etc.